Perceptive and Intuitive User Interfaces

Perceptive and Intuitive User Interfaces
is a forward-thinking lecture aimed at expanding students’ understanding of human-computer interaction beyond traditional mouse and keyboard methods. The course explores more natural and immersive interaction techniques such as gesture recognition, speech interfaces, and brain-computer interfaces. By embracing these advanced modalities, students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to develop innovative and user-friendly interfaces that are at the forefront of technology, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities in the evolving landscape of user experience design.
Topics Covered:
Communication and Cognition
- Hick’s Law: The time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices.
- Preattentive Perception: The ability to quickly and effortlessly detect certain visual properties in a scene before focusing attention.
- Law of Proximity: Elements that are close to each other tend to be perceived as a group.
- Miller’s Law (The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two): The average number of objects an individual can hold in working memory is about 7 ± 2.
- Multimodality: The use of multiple sensory modalities (e.g., visual, auditory, tactile) to communicate or interact with a system.
- Isometric and Isotonic Input Systems:
- Isometric: Input devices that measure force or pressure without movement (e.g., force-sensitive joystick).
- Isotonic: Input devices that measure displacement or movement (e.g., standard joystick or mouse).
- Human Cognitive Cycle: The repetitive sequence of perception, decision-making, and action that drives human interaction with the environment.
- Characteristics of Intelligent Applications: Features that define smart applications, including adaptability, learning capabilities, context-awareness, and the ability to provide personalized user experiences.
Interaction Design
Interaction Design and Its Disciplines: The study of designing interactive digital products, environments, systems, and services, encompassing multiple disciplines like UX design, UI design, and more.
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI): The study and practice of how people interact with computers and to design technologies that let humans interact with computers in novel ways.
OSIT Model: A framework for understanding and designing communication processes in interaction design (e.g., Observation, System, Interaction, Task).
Interaction Paradigms: Different models or approaches for designing interactions, such as direct manipulation, immersive environments, or multimodal interaction.
Fitt’s Law: A predictive model of human movement primarily used in HCI to estimate the time required to move to and select a target area.
Steering Law: A law that predicts the time required to navigate through a path of a certain width, applied in interface design for tasks like dragging or moving objects through confined spaces.
Mapping: The relationship between controls and their effects in the real world, crucial for intuitive interface design.
Explicit and Implicit Interaction:
- Explicit Interaction: Direct, intentional actions by the user to interact with a system (e.g., clicking a button).
- Implicit Interaction: Unconscious, automatic interactions based on user behavior or context (e.g., a system adapting to a user’s habits).
Affordances: The perceived and actual properties of an object that determine how it could possibly be used, essential for intuitive design.
Calm Computing: A design approach that aims to create technology that blends seamlessly into the user’s life, minimizing distractions and cognitive load.
3D Interaction
Historical Development: A look at the evolution of 3D interaction technologies, including key milestones such as:
- Theremin: One of the first electronic musical instruments, controlled without physical contact.
- BubbleS: An early interactive system that used 3D space for interaction.
- Oblong Industries: Known for their development of spatial operating environments.
- Nintendo Wii: Revolutionized gaming with motion-sensing technology.
- Microsoft Kinect: Advanced gesture recognition and full-body tracking for gaming and other applications.
Proxemics (Cultural Aspects): The study of personal space and how distance and spatial relationships influence interaction, including cultural variations in spatial behavior.
Audience Funnel: A model describing how a system determines which user in a group it should focus on, often based on proximity, gestures, or other cues.
Focus: The strategies and mechanisms by which a system decides whose input or actions to prioritize in a multi-user environment.
Depth Cameras: An overview of different depth-sensing technologies and how they function:
- Stereo Vision: Uses two cameras to calculate depth by comparing two images.
- Time of Flight: Measures the time it takes for light to travel to an object and back to determine distance.
- Triangulation: Uses angles and distance from a known baseline to calculate depth.
- Light Field Cameras: Capture light from multiple angles, allowing depth to be inferred from a single shot.
Classification: The process of categorizing data into predefined classes based on features.
Bayes’ Theorem: A mathematical formula used for calculating conditional probabilities, foundational in many classification algorithms.
Bayes Classifier: A probabilistic model that applies Bayes’ Theorem to classify data based on likelihood estimates.
Bayesian Estimator (Bayes Schätzer): A statistical method that estimates the probability of an event based on prior knowledge and observed data.
Particle Filter: A method used for estimating the state of a system that changes over time, often used in object tracking and robotics.
Dynamic Time Warping: An algorithm for measuring similarity between two temporal sequences, which may vary in speed, commonly used in speech recognition and gesture analysis.
Difference Images: Techniques that compare frames in a video sequence to detect motion or changes in the scene.
Blob Extraction: The process of identifying and isolating regions in an image that are distinct from the background, often used in object recognition and tracking.
Conversational Interfaces
Components of a Conversational User Interface (CUI):
- Speech Recognition: The process of converting spoken language into text.
- Dialog Systems: Systems designed to manage a conversation between a user and a computer, often involving understanding user intents and managing the flow of interaction.
- Speech Synthesis: The artificial production of human speech, converting text into spoken words.
Turing Test and Chinese Room:
- Turing Test: A test proposed by Alan Turing to determine whether a machine can exhibit intelligent behavior indistinguishable from that of a human.
- Chinese Room: A thought experiment by John Searle that argues against the notion that a computer running a program can have a “mind” or “understand” language, even if it appears to.
Formants: The resonant frequencies of the vocal tract that shape the sound of speech, critical for distinguishing between different vowels and speech sounds.
Pronunciation Dictionaries (Aussprachewörterbücher): Resources that provide the correct pronunciation of words, often used in speech recognition and synthesis systems.
N-grams: Sequences of ’n’ items from a given sample of text or speech, commonly used in language modeling and predictive text systems.
Intents: The purpose or goal behind a user’s input in a conversational interface, which the system must recognize to respond appropriately.
Word Error Rate (WER): A common metric used to evaluate the performance of speech recognition systems, calculated as the number of errors divided by the total number of words.
Evaluation of interactive Systems
Why Do We Evaluate?: Evaluation helps in assessing the effectiveness, usability, and overall impact of a system or interface. It ensures that the design meets user needs, identifies areas for improvement, and validates research hypotheses.
Lab Study vs. Field Study:
- Lab Study: Controlled environment experiments where variables can be carefully managed.
- Field Study: Real-world testing where the system is evaluated in the environment it will be used, providing more naturalistic data.
How to Formulate Research Questions (Wie Formuliert Man Eine Forschungsfrage): Research questions should be clear, focused, and answerable. They guide the evaluation process by defining what is to be investigated and the objectives of the study.
Evaluation Techniques: Various methods to assess systems, including usability testing, surveys, interviews, and A/B testing, each providing different insights into user experience and system performance.
Physiological Evaluation Techniques: Methods that measure physical responses to evaluate interactions, such as:
- Heart Rate: Monitored to assess stress or cognitive load.
- Eye Tracking: Used to study where and how users look at a screen, indicating areas of interest or difficulty.
Sample Size (Stichprobe): The number of participants in a study, which should be sufficient to provide reliable data and represent the target population.
Between-Group vs. Within-Group Design:
- Between-Group Design: Different groups of participants are exposed to different conditions.
- Within-Group Design: The same group of participants is exposed to all conditions, allowing for comparison within the same subjects.
Effect Size (Effektstärke): A measure of the strength of the relationship between variables, indicating the magnitude of an observed effect or difference.
Systematic Errors (Systematische Fehler): Biases or consistent inaccuracies in measurement that affect the validity of results.
Random Errors (Zufällige Fehler): Unpredictable variations in measurement that occur by chance and can affect the precision of results.
Physical Computing
Arduino Platform: An open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software, ideal for creating interactive projects. It allows users to read inputs (e.g., light on a sensor) and turn them into outputs (e.g., activating a motor).
Sensors: Devices that detect and measure physical properties (such as temperature, light, or motion) and convert them into signals that can be read by the Arduino.
Actuators: Components that take electrical signals from the Arduino and convert them into physical action, such as moving a motor, turning on a light, or creating sound.
Series and Parallel Circuits (Reihenschaltung, Parallelschaltung):
- Series Circuit (Reihenschaltung): A circuit in which components are connected end-to-end, so the current flows through each component sequentially.
- Parallel Circuit (Parallelschaltung): A circuit in which components are connected across common points, providing multiple paths for the current to flow.
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM): A technique used to control the amount of power delivered to electrical devices by varying the width of the pulses in a pulse train, commonly used to control motor speed and LED brightness.