Reviewer, Talks and other Conference Activities


PhD Thesis

I am currently working on finishing my PhD Thesis at Media Use Research Group at University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart. In the thesis I am researching on the potential of virtual reality in the context social science studies. In more detail, I evaluate the (external)validity of studies done in VR and their potential to be transferred to the real world. My supervisors are Prof. Dr. Vogelgesang (University of Hohenheim) and Prof. Dr. Matthias Wölfel (Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences) and Ass.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Dienlin (University of Vienna) has agreed on mentoring me.


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Exploring Ecological Validity: A Comparative Study of the Mere Exposure Effect on Screens and in Immersive Virtual Reality

Hepperle D., Wölfel M.

Advances in Visual Computing. ISVC 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science

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[Submitted for Review] The Role of Sensory Fidelity in Head-Mounted Displays on the Social Perception of Avatars

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Exploring Perception and Preference in Public Human-Agent Interaction: Virtual Human vs. Social Robot

Purps C.F., Hettmann W., Zylowski T., Sautchuk-Patrício N., Hepperle D., Wölfel M.

12th EAI International Conference ArtsIT, Interactivity & Game Creation

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Sensor-Based Occluded Face-Part Reconstruction: Eye Tracking and Facial Expressions

Karande A.; Purps C.F., Deuchler J., Hepperle D., Wölfel M.

2nd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Aspects of Virtual Reality

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Similarities and Differences between Immersive Virtual Reality, Real World, and Computer Screens: A Systematic Scoping Review in Human Behavior Studies

Hepperle D., Wölfel M.

Multimodal Technol. Interact. 2023, 7(6), 56;

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Streamlining Physiological Observations in Immersive Virtual Reality Studies with the Virtual Reality Scientific Toolkit

Deuchler J., Hettmann W., Hepperle D., Wölfel M.

2023 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)

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Aspects of Visual Avatar Appearance: Self-Representation, Display Type, and Uncanny Valley

Hepperle D., Purps CF., Deuchler J., Wölfel M.

The Visual Computer 38 (4), 1227-1244

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Asymmetric Normalization in Social Virtual Reality Studies

Deuchler J., Hepperle D., Wölfel M.

2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops

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Influence of Visual Appearance of Agents on Presence, Attractiveness, and Agency in Virtual Reality

Butz M., Hepperle D., Wölfel M.

10th EAI International Conference - ArtsIT. New Perspectives from Media Arts and Artificial Intelligence.

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Entering a New Dimension in Virtual Reality Research: An Overview of Existing Toolkits, Their Features and Challenges

Wölfel M., Hepperle D., Purps CF., Deuchler J., Hettmann W.

2021 International Conference on Cyberworlds

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Reducing the Human Factor in Virtual Reality Research to Increase Reproducibility and Replicability

Hepperle D., Dienlin T., Wölfel M.

2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct)

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Die Rolle der Situation bei der Suche nach Gratifikationen: Ergebnisse einer Experience-Sampling-Studie zur Video-On-Demand-Nutzung

Eberhard-Bölz S., Steinle L., Hepperle D. & Vogelgesang J.

DGPuK – FG Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung

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Differences in the Uncanny Valley Between Head-Mounted Displays and Monitors

Hepperle D., Ödell H., Wölfel M.

2020 International Conference on Cyberworlds

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Staging Location-Based Virtual Reality to Improve Immersive Experiences

Wölfel M., Hepperle D., Siess A., Deuchler J.

EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies 6

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Staging Virtual Reality Exhibits for Bystander Involvement in Semi-Public Spaces

Hepperle D., Siess A., Wölfel M.

Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation: 8th EAI International Conference, ArtsIT 2019

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2D, 3D or Speech? A Case Study on Which User Interface Is Preferable for What Kind of Object Interaction in Immersive Virtual Reality

Hepperle D., Weiß Y., Siess A., Wölfel M.

Computers & Graphics 82, 321-331

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Worldmaking: Designing for Audience Participation, Immersion, and Interaction in Virtual and Real Spaces

Siess A., Hepperle D., Wölfel M., Johansson M.

7th EAI International Conference, ArtsIT 2018

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What User Interface to Use for Virtual Reality? 2D, 3D or Speech – A User Study

Weiß Y., Hepperle D., Sieß A., Wölfel M.

2018 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW)

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Do You Feel What You See? Multimodal Perception in Virtual Reality

Hepperle D., Wölfel M.

Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology

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Ideale Städte - Furtwanger Studierende präsentieren ihre Arbeiten auf der Architektur-Biennale in Venedig

Wölfel M., Sieß A., Rude H., Hepperle D., Häffner N., Schaumann A.


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Hybrid City Lighting-Improving Pedestrians' Safety through Proactive Street Lighting

Sieß A., Hübel K., Hepperle D., Dronov A., Hufnagel C., Aktun J., Wölfel M.

2015 International Conference on Cyberworlds

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Incentive Guidance of Crowds by Smart City Lights

Sieß A., Hübel K., Hepperle D., Dronov A., Hufnagel C., Aktun J., Wölfel M.

Mensch und Computer 2015

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