Augmented and Virtual Reality

Open Culture BW meets VR
As part of the AR VR lecture and lab, our students participated in the Open Culture BW meets VR. The Hackathon was organized by MFG Baden - Württemberg together with five cultural institutions / museums located in Baden-Württemberg.
- Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg
- Museum der Universität Tübingen
- Stadtmuseum Tübingen
- Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
- Zeppelin Museum Friedrichshafen
We are pleased that our students have shown outstanding performance and have rightly received the award in the category “best technical” with the project “Enter the Hindenburg”. The project was further developed in various project works.
HKA Winners Press Release : Janzer S., Dertinger J., Butz M., Kostic M., Enkhee M.
Next to Students from the AR / VR lecture, students from
- Merz Akademie Stuttgart
- Hochschule Furtwangen
- Universität Tübingen
- media Akademie (maHS) Stuttgart
took part.
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